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We are an intentionally inclusive community proclaiming a warm welcome to people of every race, nationality, gender, sexual identity, age and ability into all aspects of our church life.
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral home of the Coast Salish peoples who have reserved treaty rights to this land. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the indigenous people who are still here, continuing to honor and bring to light their ancient heritage.
Sunday Morning Worship
9:45 am
Livestream Worship Link CLICK HERE
In Person & Zoom
Bulletin for January 26 CLICK HERE
​Click Here for Epiphany House Blessing​​​​​
Archived Services & Adult Ed
VOLUNTEER for Worship & Fellowship
To take part, click on an event below
at the designated time.
Monday - Friday: 7:00a 10 min. Morning Devotions
Mondays: 7:00p Adult Education
(January 20 & 27)
7:00p What's Next (4th Monday)
Tuesdays: 9:45a Yoga
Wednesdays: 10:00a FLC Bible Study
Thursdays: 9:45a Yoga
12:00p Ruth Circle (3rd Thurs)
Fridays: 11:00a Coffee Fellowship
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